Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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CENTRAL BAPTIST April 23, 2017
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2017
Posted by: Central Grace Church | more..
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

April 23rd , 2017

Today’s Services

9:30 am Bible Study &

10:00 am -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messages by Eric Floyd

Wednesday: 7:30 pm

Welcome Eric and Abby Floyd. The Floyds are dear friends from Hurricane Grace Road Church and we are glad to have them back with us. Brother Eric will be bringing both messages to you today while I preach for brother Terry Worthan and Calvary Baptist Church of Winston, Georgia. Lord willing, we will return tomorrow.

Birthdays: April: 22nd – Rick Kess (belated), 30th – Red Huff, May: 4th – Teresa Patterson, 9th – John Davis

Cleaning: Saturday, Spring Cleaning – All Come! Next Week: Berrys & Bobbitts ? / Nursery Today: Helen Hope

Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch New website: www.centralgracechurch.com

Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: Thy blessing is upon Thy people. Selah (Psalm 3:8)

Deliverance from the power and bondage of sin pertains to God alone. A believer has no expectation of saving himself and has no confidence in the power of his flesh. This is a blessing that comes only from the Lord and is said to be, “upon Thy people.” What a sweet word of comfort to every regenerated sinner made to see something of his desperate need and desire to be named, ”Thy people”…His people in creation, in electing grace, in redemption by the blood of Christ, and by their willingness to come to Him, casting all their hope upon Him, in the day of His power. What a glorious blessing and name…”Thy people” -- Marvin Stalnaker

About Casual Worship

I believe that our thoughts of God are reflected in every part of our worship service. What part will the preaching of the Word of God have in the service? Will the truth of Christ and His saving work be the message? Are the hymns that we sing such that glorify God? Are the words true to Scripture? Are we faithful to join with God's people? Do we come on time? If late, do we come in quietly? Do we dress appropriately? We do not set rules, and would never want to say anything that would keep anyone from coming to hear the Gospel. However, we live in a time when everyone wants to be casual, but there is nothing casual about the worship of God Almighty. – Milton Howard

Will Ye Also Go Away? -- John 6:62-65

When Our Lord got done (preaching John 6:62-65), the whole crowd left Him, all 5,000 men, their wives and their children! Our Lord was not a crowd pleaser! Then He turned to the twelve disciples who remained with Him and said, “Will ye also go away?” They stayed; but the crowd left. The crowd was offended by the Gospel. Every god they worshipped, every altar they cherished, every hope they clung to was being destroyed. And they said, “We’ve heard enough of that! We will not listen to it anymore.” And they walked away from the Gospel and went to hell, clinging to the traditions of their Christless religion!

-- Don Fortner

Babies In Hell?

It has been falsely stated that John Calvin said: “There are babies in hell a span long.” Nowhere in all of his writings can such a horrible statement be found. This is one of many lies told upon brother Calvin and all who believe and proclaim the truth of God’s sovereign grace. Quite to the contrary, brother Calvin believed that all infants are saved. John 3:36 says, ‘He that believeth on the Son hath life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.’ Calvin’s comment on this verse is as follows:­­

“Christ does not there speak of the general guilt in which all the posterity of Adam are involved, but only threatens the despisers of the gospel, who proudly and contumaciously spurn the grace which is offered to them. But this has nothing to do with infants. . . . Every one whom Christ blesses is exempted from the curse of Adam, and the wrath of God. Therefore, seeing it is certain that infants are blessed by him, it follows that they are freed from death.” -- Calvin’s Institutes, Vol.4, Section 16, Pg.31

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