Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

April 9th, 2017

10:00 am ----------------------------------------------------Message by brother Walter Pendleton

We welcome Walter and Penny Pendleton back with us. Brother Walter is pastor of Sovereign Grace Chapel of Crow, West Virginia. We appreciate his willingness to come preach for us during my convalescence.

Birthdays: 14th – Wesley Hudson, 17th – Betty Groover & Emma Holland

Cleaning: This Week: Fannins Next Week: Sheesleys


Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch New website: www.centralgracechurch.com


There is one verse of scripture that I often read before praying, studying and preaching. Paul said in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 2, verse 4, “But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.” It is always very sobering to me as a preacher of the gospel, to know that the glorious “Gospel of Christ” has been “allowed” (approved) of God to be put in trust with me.” Preaching the Gospel is the greatest honor and privilege that could be bestowed upon a man. Hearing the Gospel is equally such a “PRIVILEGE.” To be “put in trust with the gospel” (entrusted) with the Word of God, is a wonderful honor and a privilege, a gift given unto us by God.

Recently someone who knows me well asked me to do something one evening and then upon quickly realizing that it was Wednesday said, “O I forgot that you HAVE to go to church tonight.” I replied, “No, I don’t have to go. I GET to go, for it is a great privilege to go.” The word “privilege” is defined as a “specific right and freedom granted only to a specific, particular person or group of people.” A privilege is “something regarded as a rare opportunity of bringing a particular pleasure.” Surely preaching and hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified are all those things. Do you count hearing the Gospel a glorious privilege that God has approved and entrusted you with? Or can you take it or leave it? Your answer will reveal a great deal concerning your heart! -- David Eddmenson

Have A Blessed Day! -- Ephesians 1: 3

This is a phrase I have been hearing quite often from the restaurants and stores I frequent. They say to me, "Have a blessed day." I believe they mean well and are talking about having a great day, free of troubles and filled with happiness and joy. However, these things and the blessing of God are not necessarily synonymous.

I can be rich and cursed of God. I can be a healthy rebel. I can live a life free of trouble and die cursed of God. It is important that believers be able to distinguish the blessings of God from the fake concepts of religion. Believers were blessed of God in eternal election being chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. With, and including that election, they were blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. (see Ephesians 1: 3-4) From that point, everything in time and eternity, everything in heaven and earth, every providential act of God, divine appointments and circumstances of life became a blessing to them. So blessed are the elect of God, that all things are being worked together for their good and the glory of their God. (see Romans 8: 28)

EVERY day is a blessed day for a believer. Whether he be rich or poor, bond or free, sick or well, dead or alive. God has blessed him, is blessing him, and shall forever continue to bless him. These blessings are from Him with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (see James 1: 17) As a believer speaking to another believer, I think I can say to you, have a blessed day. --Darvin Pruit, Taylor, Arkansas

The Power Of The Word

THINGS will make us moral, but they will not last. If man's wisdom, learning, eloquence, or religious persuasion could reform, we would be a reformed people. But, in spite of all the churches and religion we have today, wickedness abounds on every hand. Religion has very little influence on our life. Napoleon said, "Religion is to keep the poor from murdering the rich." Things cannot change the heart. They cannot put into the heart the love and peace of God. They will not cause the heart to bow to His will. The only thing that will do this is the Gospel, the Word which the Lord has given. The Gospel alone shows sin in its true light, and gives us hope of mercy. When the Gospel is preached in the power of the Spirit of God, and it is received and believed, an immediate and wonderful change takes place. The sinner leaves all his other false hopes; he is freed from the slavery to this world, and becomes the willing servant of Him who redeemed him. – Milton Howard, Ball, La

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