Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2017
Posted by: Central Grace Church | more..
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

March 12th , 2017

9:30 am ----------------------------------------------------The Singing & Sighing of The Saints – Psalm 30

10:00 am -----------------------------------------------------------Caught But Not Condemned – John 8:1-11

Birthdays: March: 17th – Rick Polk, Alec Bobbitt

Cleaning: This Week: Mac & Margaret , Next Week: John & Irene

Nursery: Jill O.

Listen to WYTI Radio, 1570 AM - 104.5 FM, Sundays 8:00 am

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch New website: www.centralgracechurch.com


There is nothing that the church does that is more important than assembling to worship Christ. To gather in order to honor Christ through praying, preaching and hearing the Gospel is such an important thing that each of us should approach it very seriously. Let each one prepare himself in heart and body so as to arrive on time, having the heart clothed with a desire to hear from Christ and the body dressed modestly so as not to attract attention to one’s self. Let each of us enter into every song and prayer, closing out the thoughts of the world and all the cares it loads on us. Let each of us listen to the Word of God with the intensity of baby birds chirping for food. In short, let each of us give himself to worship in this hour as though there were nothing better or more important in all the world to do – because there isn’t. -- Joseph Terrell

The Hearer I Appreciate

One who has prayed for the preacher and for the blessing of the Lord on the

congregation which is meeting today.

One who is punctually in his pew with his family beside him.

One who has his Bible open and who devoutly follows the Scriptures read as

hearing God speaking to him.

One who takes a hymnbook and joins in the praise of the Lord as earnestly

as does the leader of the singing.

One who in his heart joins in the prayer time.

One who remembers that we are in the presence of God and bears himself

with reverence of manner and conversation.

One who looks for Christ and grace in the sermon and not for rhetoric,

elocution, and clever statements.

One who listens, takes the message to himself, and has a comment

afterward regarding the subject.

One who has a look and a word of Christian greeting for those near him in

the church after the service. –John Hall, (1829-1898)—[& every other Gospel Preacher]

Forgive And Be Forgiven. Forgive Not, Be Not Forgiven -- Matthew 6:14-15

Every one of us guilty of every sin against God, either in thought or deed. But God is of great mercy and frankly forgives any and all sin of anyone who asks for mercy (but Christ had to pay for our sins). We are great sinners in need of great mercy and God delights to show mercy. But . . . if we do not forgive our fellow sinners for their minor offenses toward us, neither will God forgive us. Those He is most angry with are the unmerciful and ungrateful; those He has shown mercy to.

If we do not forgive our brother, we will not be forgiven. If we do not forget their offenses, God will not forget ours. If we do not run and fall on the neck of our guilty brother (like the Father) the rod of God’s anger will fall on our back. If we do not make peace and pursue it, we will not have peace with God and He will allow sin and Satan to pursue us. If we hold a grudge against our brother, God holds a much greater grudge against us and will repay with vengeance. If we do not speak to our brother or sister, God will not speak to us. If they call on us and we do not respond, God will not hear us when we call. If we stay angry at our brother or sister, God is much more angry with us, and we can count on the axe to fall. God will repay in kind. God is just and we will get just what we deserve if we do not show mercy, grace and forgiveness as He has shown us.

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