Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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CENTRAL BULLETIN February 26, 2017
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

February 26th , 2017

9:30 am -------------------------------------------------Judging Righteous Judgment – John 17:19-31

10:00 am -------------------------------------------------------------------------The Blessed Man –Psalm 1

Wednesday: 7:30 pm --------------------------------- Brother David Eddmenson preaching

Birthdays: February: 28th – Tammy Fannin , March: 3rd – Darnell Poff, 10th – Lyla Bobbitt

Cleaning: This Week: Mike & Karen , Next Week: Dan & Jill ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nursery: Mary P.

Lord willing, brother David Eddmenson will be here to preach to us on Wednesday night.

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurchNew website: www.centralgracechurch.com

The law is a doctrine which commandeth and forbiddeth, requiring doing and avoiding: under the law are contained all precepts, inhibitions, threats, promises upon conditions of our doing and avoiding &c. The gospel is a doctrine which always provideth and giveth, requiring nothing on our behalf as of worthiness or as a cause, but as a certificate unto us: and therefore under the gospel are contained all the free and sweet promises of God, as “I am the Lord thy God,” & c.

--John Bradford (1510-1555), English preacher burned at the stake.

Outward mercies oft times prove a snare to our souls. “I will lay a stumbling block” (Ezek.3:20). I will prosper him in all things, and not by affliction restrain him from sin. Prosperity hath been a stumbling-block, at which millions have stumbled and fallen, and broke the neck of their souls for ever. As Augustine said: ‘Religion brought forth riches, and the daughter soon devoured the mother.’ -- Thomas Brooks, 1608-1680, England

Simon, son of Jonas, Lovest Thou Me ?

Our Lord addressed Peter by his original name, as if he had forfeited that of Peter through his denying him. He now answered, “Thou knowest that I love thee”; but without professing to love Him more than others. We must not be surprised to have our sincerity called into question, when we ourselves have done that which makes it doubtful. Every remembrance of past sins, even pardoned sins, renews the sorrow of a true penitent. Conscious of integrity, Peter solemnly appealed to Christ, as knowing all things, even the secrets of his heart. It is well when our falls and mistakes make us more humble and watchful.

The sincerity of our love to God must be brought to the test; and it behooves us to inquire with earnest, preserving prayer to the heart-searching God, “examine and prove us, whether we are able to stand this test”. – Matthew Henry , 1662-1714 , England

From the Bible Baptist Church bulletin, David Eddmenson, pastor.

“Brother Milton Howard, pastor of Kitchens Creek Baptist Church, and faithful missionary in Mexico for many years, had the below article in their church’s bulletin last week. As I read the article, it was as if Brother Milton was reading my heart. May God keep us all by His grace, for we are so prone to wander, so prone to leave the God we love. I am so thankful that my salvation does not depend upon my faithfulness to God, but upon His faithfulness to me in the Lord Jesus Christ.” – D.E.

I have been preaching this Gospel for over 50 years, pastoring several churches at the same time for the almost 26 years I spent in México. I have now been here at Kitchens Creek as your pastor for 24 years, and I can tell you this, that were it not for the Elect, the Sheep, the Faithful, the dedicated Lovers of Christ, and the Gospel, I would have quit a long time ago.

Studying the Word, Preaching the Gospel, conducting worship services, and rejoicing with those who hear and believe are the things that make being a pastor a joy. Having church members get their feelings hurt, leaving the fellowship, neglecting worship services, and displaying a general bad attitude is what makes pastoring a church the most difficult vocation a man can undertake.

When some leave the church, or quit coming, it is very noticeable in a small group like ours. Sometimes it is even emotionally devastating. You will never understand why, nor will you get a straight answer; and over the years I have heard many reasons

Because our minds are corrupt, and our heart deceitful, when we walk off from the Gospel, the thoughts that go through our minds, and the words that come out of our mouths as to the reason we do such things, do not make sense – not to us, and certainly not to someone else.

I think the most difficult part of this is when those who leave have been so much a part of our family, our lives and fellowship. There is no excuse for leaving the Gospel, and you will not get sympathy and understanding from me for doing it.

But the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will not only survive, but will also, by His Grace, prosper. Our Lord said to His beloved disciples – after some had departed – "Will you ALSO go away?" True Disciples Will Not Go Away. There is nowhere else to go.’ "Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life" (John 6:68). – Milton Howard

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