Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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CENTRAL BAPTIST January 29, 2017
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

January 29th , 2017

9:30 am ---------------------------------------------------------------The Will of The Father – John 6:37-45

10:00 am ------------------------------------------------------------A God Who Hides Himself – Isaiah 45:15

Wednesday 7:30 ---------------------------------True Grace, Part 8 – Stewards of Grace – 1 Peter 4:1-10

Birthdays: January: 31st – Robin Chandler, February: 1st – Jill Ogle, 20th – Lanie Bobbitt

22nd – Irene Davis, 28th – Tammy Fannin

Cleaning: This Week – Patrick & Jennifer, Next Week – Mahans

Nursery: Margaret , Alt: Vikki

Listen to live audio of services on: www.mixlr.com/centralgracechurch

Our new website www.centralgracechurch.com is now online. Although it is still being worked on, it looks very good and I hope you will use it as a means to spread the gospel. We owe a debt of gratitude to brother Obie Williams of Lantana Grace Church for all his work on our site.

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

As we watch our nation in a religious and moral downgrade, which fills our hearts with sorrow, let us ever call to mind the words of the great apostle Paul, “Who maketh thee to differ,” and be very, very thankful to God that we are not a part of the church’s apostasy and this nation’s reprobation; that we have been snatched out of darkness and death and translated into the kingdom of light, the kingdom of God’s dear Son (Colossians 1:13). In our sorrow, let us be thankful, very thankful!

Look at the words John Newton has left us: “While we lament the growth and pernicious effects of infidelity, and see how wicked men wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived; what gratitude should fill our hearts to Him, who has called us out of the horrid darkness in which multitudes are bewildered and lost, into the glorious light of His Gospel! Faint are our warmest conceptions of His mercy.”

Let us pray for one another and encourage one another as we see “That Day” approaching (See Heb. 19:23-27 & Matt. 7:7-11).

-- Maurice Montgomery

Some Thoughts On Dying In Peace

I remember the striking words of Philip Henry, the father of the famous Matthew Henry. When he was dying, his friends stood round about his bed; and he said, “What a blessing it is, Matthew, that I have not to make my peace with God now! My body is full of pain, and my mind is greatly disturbed by reason of it. Oh!” said he, “if that were undone and had now to be done, how could it be done?" What a mercy when that great transaction is complete! Now, come pain or weakness, come long sleep, come broken-down spirit, what does it matter? It is all well; it is all well. – C.H. Spurgeon

"To God be the Glory, Great Things He Hath Done!"

When God moves in salvation, He lays hold of a sinner and makes him a preacher. He lays hold of another sinner and makes him a hearer. He puts a message in the preacher, and gives him the ability to preach it. He puts faith in the hearer, and gives him the ability to believe it. And when the transaction is finished, ALL parties give God ALL the glory for ALL of it! The preacher cries: “Salvation is of the Lord!” The hearer cries: “Salvation is of the Lord!” The preacher takes no credit for the message! The hearer takes no credit for believing the message! They both in complete agreement say: “To God be the glory, great things He hath done!” -- Gabe Stalnaker

The God Of Truth

Some wonder why our Lord commends faith so highly and condemns unbelief so severely. The glory of The God of Truth is implicated in this. It is God who has given us the record of His Son: it is God who has borne witness throughout the Scriptures and by His own voice from heaven of the salvation in Christ. He who does not believe on Christ Jesus is guilty of the greatest blasphemy! It is GOD (not men) that he does not believe! He has made THE GOD OF ALL TRUTH to be a liar because he refuses God's witness concerning Christ. "There are three that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY GHOST, and these three are one!" (I John 5:7). -- Henry Mahan

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