CENTRAL BULLETIN December 4, 2016
Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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CENTRAL BULLETIN December 4, 2016
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

December 4th , 2016

9:30 am --------------------------------------A Just Judge & A True Witness – John 5:30-47

10:00 am --------------------------------------------The Saints’ Conversation – Philippians 3:20

Wednesday: 7:30 pm &hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip; True Grace, Part 3 – Grace Exhorted & Exhibited – 1 Peter 2:11-25

Lord willing, we will have a x-mas get-together this Saturday evening at 6:00. Everyone come for an evening of food, fellowship and singing.

Sunday, the 25th we will have one service at 10:00 am.

Birthdays: December 9th – Andrew Polk, 17th – Wendy Bobbit, 25th – Earlene Sheesley

Cleaning: This week: Robin, Next week: Fannins

Nursery: Helen C. , Alt.- Polly P.

*** The following is a letter from the church in Merida, Mexico which brother Cody pastored.

To our brethren in the United States and other parts of the world who have prayed for us during these sad but special moments.

We want to tell you that as a church we give thanks to our Lord for your lives and your prayers which have been heard and answered. Our Lord has strengthened us and is granting us great comfort.

We were greatly blessed by our Lord for giving us, by His grace and mercy, brother Cody Groover and it is a blessing to know that he is in glory with our Lord where there is an abundance of joy and delights by His side forever. And we continue to be blessed by the witness and strength of his family, that in many times, instead of us comforting them, they have comforted us.

We also say to pastor Walter and his wife Betty that we love them and want to hug them and express our love for them. It is so beautiful to watch how our Lord continues to use them, as God used him in the edification of our loving pastor and it was wonderful to be ministered unto by his grandson today. We love you brother [Walter] and we are always blessed when you minister to us with the Word.

We thank the church of our brother David for obeying God and sending Pastor Cody to bless us and our Yucatan. Brothers, to all who have prayed and sent offerings, out of love towards our Lord, the Lord is doing a great work and you have been, are, and will be a part of the work.

Emanuel Baptist Church

Mérida, Yucatán, México

Because He Loves-We Love-- 1 John 4:19

By the grace of God, I do believe that I love Christ. I know that I don’t love Him like I should. I know that I don’t love Him as I desire to. Yet, I do know that I love Him. The beloved disciple John tells us in our text a great truth that very few know. He tells us that “We love Him, (Christ) BECAUSE He first loved us!”

Salvation is of the Lord! This is the theme of redemption throughout the Bible. There is a reason that I love Christ, and it is BECAUSE He first loved me. His love for His people is the cause of their love for Him. He loves-we love. That is the order of our salvation. David Eddmenson


The doctrines we preach and love are not mere teachings of some particular method or plan, but the doctrines of Christ, who is our gospel; Christ, who is sovereign over all flesh; Christ, whose grace is both sovereign and free. Not to preach a sovereign Christ, is to preach another Christ. To preach another Christ is to preach another gospel (which is not another, Gal. 1:6-9). It is just that simple. Mark it down: you cannot separate Christ from the gospel or the gospel from Christ, for they are one and the same. And Christ is sovereign over all things and over all flesh, giving life freely to whom He will. The message of life for poor guilty sinners is the message of the Christ of God, who saves sovereignly and freely, even the chief of sinners! WHAT “GOOD NEWS” – Maurice Montgomery

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