The Inspiring Word at Blue Ridge Church
Dr. Terry Cheek  |  Marion, North Carolina
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Dr. Terry Cheek
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The Inspiring Word for October 2016
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The Inspiring Word

Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D.

As we see Autumn upon us many folks are anticipating October 31st as a traditional celebration for Halloween! October 31st has a very special meaning for born again Christians and it’s not Halloween. It’s the anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation! Yes, on October 31, 1517 Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door. It isn’t about a particular “ism”, no it’s about the doctrinal separation from the Roman Catholic Church. This single event set in motion a spiritual revival which hasn’t ended and remains strongly established as a standard bearer for body of Christ. I recommend every born again Christian take the time and opportunity to seriously research and study the truth about the Protestant Reformation and renew your mind and heart to the reality of Gods Word. For October 2016 our study of the Sermon on the Mount will attempt to expound Jesus teaching on overcoming worry. Will you turn in your Bible to Matthew 6:25-34! When you hear the word Luxury what enters your mind? Dictionaries use differ in their approach to define the word but all seem to agree in context, the unnecessary physical possessions men and women indulge themselves in by storing or stockpiling for selfish reasons. Jesus addresses an attitude toward what folks eat, drink and wear; the necessities of life that are absolutely must haves. Many reading this may say, if they are must haves they are not luxury items. In our mind that may be true but we will learn our fear of not having enough or doing without can drives to treating the everyday necessities as a luxury we feel we cannot live without! Observe with me.

All people, the wealthy, the poor or those somewhere in between have an attitude of material possessions that marks their spiritual condition. Honestly speaking, man is an earthly creature naturally concerned about earthly things. The born again in Christ are recreated as heavenly beings and, as children of our heavenly Father, our concerns should now focus primarily on heavenly things, even while we reside on earth! As Christians, Christ sends us into the world to do His work, just as the Father sent Him into the world to do the Fathers work. John 17:15-18 tells us “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. (16) They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. (17) Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (18) As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” One of the supreme tests of our spiritual lives, is how we now relate to these two worlds, the earthly and the spiritual. Do you realize sixteen of the thirty eight parables of Jesus deal with money? One out of ten versus of the New Testament deal with the subject. Scripture offers about five hundred verses on prayer, less than five hundred on faith but over two thousand on money. This alone should be proof the believer’s attitude toward money and possessions is determinative.

We live in an age of unhidden materialism, an age guided by greed, ambition, success, selfishness, self-indulgence, prestige, popularity and conspicuous consumption. This not only defines the world it too often defines the church of the twenty first century, from the pulpit to the pew. We are so overcome by materialism we will acquire debt to have the things which define prominence, or we will deny ourselves in order to hold onto the wealth we have.

The heart of Jesus’ message in our present passage is: do not worry – not even about necessities. He gives us the command to not be anxious on three different occasions. Being anxious is wrong, because it is unfaithful, unnecessary, unreasonable and unwise; because it denies God the glory He desires to work through our lives.

A Christian’s contentment is found in God, and only in God – in His ownership, control and provision of everything we possess and will ever need. This contentment comes first by understanding God owns everything including the universe. Second, contentment comes by understanding God controls everything. Third contentment comes by understanding God provides everything. Therefore, whether the Lord gives us more or less of anything, it all belongs to Him, as owner, controller, and provider. It’s our responsibility to thank Him for what He gives and to use it wisely and unselfishly for as long as He entrusts us with it.

I have much more to say but for respect of space I will close this month’s work. Don’t be surprised if I continue on this passage next time we meet around the Sermon on the Mount! Until next time, may God keep you firmly in His grip!

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