Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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­­­Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

September 11th, 2016

9:30 am ------------------------------------------------Ye Must Be Born Again – John 3:1-13

10:00 am ---------------------------------- As Moses Lifted Up The Serpent – John 3:14-17


Nursery Today: Second Service: Katherine , Alt. -- Tammy

Lawn Mowing: This week: Ron F., Next Week: Stan Anderson

Birthdays: September: 15th – Helen Canterbury, 25th -- Janine Kess

Cleaning: This Week: Rick & Janine, Next Week: Aimee & Helen

The Lord willing, Cody and Winna Groover will be with us next Wednesday, 21st . Brother Cody, missionary in Yucatan, Mexico, will be preaching to us. No Wednesday night service this week.

Ye Are The Light of the World – Matthew 5:14

Christ said of Himself, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12), and also told His disciples, “Ye are the light of the world” (Matt.5:14). And so it is true, as the apostle wrote: “. . .as He is, so are we in this world” (1 Jn.4:17). As Christ revealed the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, so do we, as we preach and witness to others of His glorious gospel, and as we walk in the light as He is in the light; as we walk as He walked, in love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. We are told to shine as lights in a dark world; a dark, corrupt, wicked, vile and violent world; but God’s people are lights, righteous, holy, harmless, undefiled and peacemakers.

From the 3rd or 4th century until the 13th or 14th century, the world was in what is called by many, ‘the dark ages.’ Dark, because the light of God’s Word, the light of the gospel had nearly gone out. And so great darkness covered the earth; darkness in the form of false religion. Roman Catholicism, with its popery and idolatry, ruled the world and kept men in darkness ignorance of the Word of Truth, the gospel of their salvation. But God, in great mercy, as at other times, caused the light to shine in darkness. The people that sat in darkness began to see the light of God’s Word, the light of the Gospel of Christ. And the way God shined that light was through raising up men to preach His Word and translate His Word for all to read. One such shining light was, John Wyclif (1324-1384), who began to attack and denounce the error of the church at Rome. Wyclif was one of the first, if not the first, to revive the ordinance of preaching. He said: “I maintain firmly that the first, foremost, and principal work of the minister is to be a preacher of God’s Word.” Wyclif was the first Englishman to translate the Bible into the English language. The Lord used this man as a light in order that we might have the light of God’s Word. Thank God for brother Wyclif.

Two more shining lights were Nicholas Ridley, pastor of London, England and Hugh Latimer, pastor of Worcester, England. These men were true preachers of the gospel at a time of great persecution against it. Bloody Mary, queen of England, devout Catholic, was having many killed for preaching and witnessing the Truth. In October, 1555, Ridley and Latimer were sentenced to be burned at the stake for preaching the Truth and denouncing Roman Catholic heresy. They were tied to a stake, back to back; and as they were lighting the fire, brother Latimer spoke loudly to his brother, saying: “Be of good cheer, Mister Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day, by God’s grace, LIGHT SUCH A CANDLE IN ENGLAND AS I TRUST SHALL NEVER BE PUT OUT.”

Thank the Lord that, through such lights as these men and so many others, the Light of the gospel still shines in our midst today. O for such grace and courage to shine as light in this dark world.

The Work of The Evangelist

God knows I am no scholar, nor am I endued with any shining part or abilities; but I find, by happy experience, that the best rule to walk by, and try others and their doctrines by, is the revealed will of God, by the Spirit, in the heart, and in His Word. And I believe to enforce the Spirit’s work is to . . . insist on a union in the bond of love to Christ; to declare the whole will of God as revealed in His Word; to cry down priestcraft, and set up the gospel model; to preach down human inventions, and set up the will of God; to cry down the whole works of the flesh, and exalt the merits of Christ . . . is the doing of the works of an evangelist. – William Huntington, England, 1745-1813

On Pride: “ It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” -- Augustine

“ Pride is the cause of all other sins.” -- Thomas Manton

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