Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
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August 21, 2016
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 21st, 2016

9:30 am ----------------------------------------------The Zeal of Thine House – John 2:13-17

10:00 am--------------------------------------------- I Will Not Remember Their Sins – Isaiah 43:25

Nursery Today: Second Service: Aimee , Alt. -- Janine

Lawn Mowing: This week: Mac Torrence, Next Week: Dan Ogle

Birthdays: August: 31st – Betty Hodges & Roberta Sword

Cleaning: This Week: Robin , Next Week: Bobbitts & Berrys

A God called preacher preaches the true Gospel without concern of losing his congregation. His concern is for the lost that are in his congregation. -- David Eddmenson

Lack of Need

There was a time when I thought the problem with people who were sporadic in their church attendance was a lack of commitment. I don't believe that anymore. I now know it's a lack of need. – Greg Elmquist

“Thou Shalt Be Called Peter”

“And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, (Peter) which is by interpretation, a stone.” (John 1:42).

When the Lord Jesus Christ first met Simon, son of Jona, He gave him a new name. He was known from then on as Simon Peter. The Lord made Simon to know that all of his salvation rested upon Christ, the Rock of our salvation (Psalm 62:2; Matt. 16:18). We know the rest of the story; Simon Peter was called to be an Apostle of the Lord and made a great servant and preacher of the gospel.
I have come to understand that every believer who is irresistibly drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ and saved by His almighty grace has been given a new name in Christ (Rev. 2:17; 3:12; 14:1). My name given to me in my natural birth was Thomas. My name given to me in the new birth is Peter. You might say, “That is far-fetched.” I don’t think so!
Every believer has been taught the same lesson as Simon Peter that in salvation Christ is all the foundation we have to rest upon (Matt. 16:17; Isa. 28:16). Now read this scripture; “to whom coming, as unto a living stone (Christ), disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones (Peters), are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1Peter 2:4-5). Every believer is not called to be an apostle of the Lord and preach great sermons as Simon Peter did, but all believers are made “lively stones” as we are fixed upon and fastened to Christ the Rock, Christ the true and living God (1 Thes. 1:9). What is true of the Head is true of the body of Christ (John 17:23). That just is so!
One more helpful thought. Simon Peter often times acted only in the character of the old Simon, the Adam fleshly and sinful nature, “that which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6). Simon Peter was often times plagued and cast down by his old sinful nature (Matt. 16:22; Luke22:57). He was made to know that his salvation rested totally on Christ and not on him (Acts15:11; 1 Peter 1:18-23).
In every believer there is that same Simon nature that can do nothing but sin and the new nature that cannot sin; “that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6; 2 Peter 1:4). Every believer is just like Simon (flesh) Peter (Spirit). This teaches us not to trust the flesh for any part of salvation (Jer. 17:5), but rather to trust Christ the Rock alone for all grace now and glory hereafter (Jer. 17:7)! My new name is Thomas Peter. Can’t you identify with Simon Peter? Jacob also had a name changing experience, from Jacob (cheat) to Israel (a prince of God) (Gen. 32:23-30; Mal. 3:6). This is also true of every sinner saved by Christ (Acts 15:11). – Thomas Harding

On Difficulties:“ Nothing is more offensive to God than disbelief of His promise and despair of the performance of it because of some difficulties that seem to lie in the way.” -- Matthew Henry, Wales (1662-1714)

On Faith“ Faith wraps itself in the righteousness of Christ.– Thomas Brooks, England (1608-1680)

On Faithfulness:“ God requires no more than faithfulness in our place.” – William Gurnall, England (1616-1679)

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