Central Grace Church
Paul Mahan  |  Rocky Mount, Virginia
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Central Baptist Church
3596 Franklin Street
Rocky Mount, Virginia, 24151
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Central Grace Church

3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia

August 7th, 2016

9:30 am

10:00 am &hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p;&he llip; &hell ip;&h ellip ;&hel lip;& helli p; Messages by Brother John Chapman, Ashland, Kentucky

We welcome brother John Chapman and Vicky back with us. John and Vicky are longtime friends of this church and we thank the Lord for them. I am preaching in Cottageville, WV., for the Millsite Baptist Church, Mike Walker, pastor.

Nursery Today: Second Service: Katherine P. , Alt. -- Lauren P.

Lawn Mowing: This week: Red Huff , Next week: Mike Anderson

Birthdays: August: 7th – Bonnie Stanley, 13th – John Sheesley Jr., 19th – Henry Mahan

An Hard Saying

"Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard (this), said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?" - John 6:60

The word “hard” here does not mean hard to understand. It means harsh, offensive, intolerable. This is still the way sinful man, without grace, finds the Gospel. Not difficult to understand, but difficult to swallow. Not confusing, but infuriating. You can't get mad about something you don't understand. The indictment upon mankind in Romans chapter one is not that they do not understand God's claims, but that they will not bow to them (Romans 1:21). This is the issue and always has been. Will you bow? Faith is a submission. It is a renouncing of self and a commitment of self to One Who heretofore has been our despised enemy. It is God breaking us of our "wild ass's colt" rebellion, and reconciling us to Himself, by Jesus Christ. – Chris Cunningham

Salvation By The Blood -- “It is THE BLOOD that maketh an atonement for the soul” (Exodus 17:11).

There are some fools who preach that Jesus Christ died for every person and that there are some in hell right now for whom Christ died. These same fools take issue with all who believe that Christ died only for the sheep, the elect, and that everyone for whom Christ died will be eternally saved by His death. I call them fools for this is not some mere intellectual, theological debate but the eternal destiny of our souls is at stake here. Our souls depend upon that blood and whether or not it is effectual to save us. A man or woman is a fool who bases their salvation on anything but the blood of Christ.

Fact is, God said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” Fact is, God said, “It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” God did not say, when I see your faith . . . when I see your works . . . when I see your progress, but “when I see THE BLOOD!” God did not say, it is your faith that maketh atonement, but “it is THE BLOOD that maketh atonement.” Fact is, all for whom Christ shed His blood will believe, will do good works, will grow in grace. Faith, works and growth are the effect of the blood shed for that person, not the cause.

The eternal confession of every saved person; their eternal song of thanksgiving is this, “Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins IN HIS OWN BLOOD” -- Revelation 1:5, 7;14

The New Birth

Where the righteousness of Christ is imputed the holy nature of Christ is put in the sinner. Christ is formed in the sinner. Where the Holy Spirit reveals Christ to a sinner He also reveals Christ in the sinner. The term “born again” has been used and abused by multitudes of preachers and their followers. It is presented as an act of man’s will. Others say there is no such thing as being “born again.” Our Lord said that a man “must be born again.” — So he must! What is this new birth? It is the bringing into existence a person who never existed before. It is a creation, and only God can create. The Word tells us when this new birth occurs we are given a new nature. We then have two natures. They are called the old man and new man, flesh and spirit, and these two natures war against each other. We were never at war with sin, or ourselves, until we were given a new nature. I have heard this truth of two natures ridiculed and called a principle instead of a nature and that Christ revealed in a man, and in that revelation given a holy nature, is heresy. Does it make me uncharitable and a hypocrite because I find these truths to be so precious to my heart and soul that I will not support and fellowship with those who define these truths with different meanings? -- Donald Bell

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them.” -- Isaiah 8:20

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