The Inspiring Word at Blue Ridge Church
Dr. Terry Cheek  |  Marion, North Carolina
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The Inspiring Word for July 2016
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The Inspiring Word

Pastor Terry Cheek Th.D.

As we resume our study of the Sermon on the Mount we pick up in Matthew 6:16-18 where we read “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. (17) But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, (18) so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” For July we find ourselves face to face with the practice of fasting. As I prepared this article I wondered how many Christians actually think about fasting today? We do not find the Lord commanding us to fast, but neither do we find Him discouraging the practice of fasting. As we look at Jesus use of the practice we can also surmise the Lord took it for granted that we will fast. I notice first from God’s word the Lord brings up the appearance of the Pharisees. We know the Pharisees practiced fasting. We know from Leviticus 16:31 the day of atonement was the only fast imposed by law on the Jews. We also know from historical documents and God’s word (Luke 18:12) the Pharisees made a practice of fasting twice a week, every Monday and Thursday. They also made a parade of it. Campbell Morgan said “We are to have a perpetual Lent in our souls and everlasting Easter in our faces.” In other words, if our fast is capable of attracting the praise of men, any self-denial is in vain. Fasting is also a way of expressing repentance and by denying ourselves things we have become accustomed too we realize how little we need them and how necessary God is in our daily lives. For example, the nation of Israel fasted after the civil war with Benjamin (Judges 20:26). Samuel imposed a fast after the they had pursued the false god Baal (1 Samuel 7:6). Nehemiah led the Jews to fast because of their sins (Nehemiah 9:1). Remember Moses, he fasted for forty days to prepare himself for a fresh revelation of divine truth from God (Exodus 34:28). The Lord Jesus Himself fasted for forty days prior to His confrontation with the devil (Matthew 4:2). There is a lot of good that can come from fasting in our lives. The practice should not draw others to our appearance. We should always have an appearance of sincere joy in our life. I know there are time when we just aren’t happy. But that doesn’t mean we lack the joy of Jesus Christ in our heart. That joy should be ever present in our appearance. Even when we practice fasting. Anything short of this will make us vulnerable to the applause of people and suddenly our fast will be self-serving and not God honoring. We will no longer have a spirit of humility, it will be replaced by one of pride. Pharisees were and still are experts at drawing attention to themselves. If you read closely you will see they also seem to thrive on demeaning others in order to lift themselves up. The Lord tells us in no uncertain terms those who practice this type of fast have already received their reward. However, those who strive to remain humble and seek only Gods will for the purpose at hand will have His answer and in such a way that words will not be able to describe. I want to encourage you to fast. Do so in a biblically sound way, a way which honors God and does not honor man. Friends be attentive to your appearance and how it projects your image to those around you. Be cautious of the applause of men. Both appearance and applause can be an indication of Gods approval yet both can be an indication of pride taking the place of humility in your heart. Until next time, may God bless you is my prayer!

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