Central Grace Church
3596 Franklin Street . Rocky Mount, Virginia
April 10 th, 2016
9:30 am Bible Study------------------- Confessing Our Faults & Conversion – James 5:16-20
10:00 am Service------------------------ Lord Over Devils (The Lord & Legion) – Mark 5:1-20
Nursery Today: Second Service: Jill O. , Alt. Vikki P.
Cleaning Schedule: This Week: Fannins , Next Week: Sheesleys
Birthdays: April 14th – Wesley Hudson, 17th – Betty Groover & Emma Holland, 21st – Jennifer Holland
Our sister Mary K. Turley went to be with her Lord last Wednesday morning. We rejoice for her, but our hearts and prayers go out to sister Helen Canterbury in the loss of her dear mother. May the Lord be with you Helen.
Please remember our spring cleanup day, Saturday, 23rd. And please give generously to help with some of the added expenses of a bible conference. We always want to show our appreciation and be generous to our visiting brethren.
F We will never hear the gospel of God until we are blessed with some preachers who "care not!" Who care not what men say, who care not what men pay, who care not for tradition, who care not for position, but who only care for the glory of Christ. - Henry Mahan
Remembering What We Were
A remembrance of our sin will keep us humble. When Paul thought about this he said he was not meet to be called an apostle, because he persecuted the Church of God. He said, “And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that slew him.” He told Timothy, “I was a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious; but I obtained mercy.”
The best way to spread this Gospel is to never forget what we were. Just one beggar telling another beggar where to get some food. If we will always remember the pit from which we were taken, when God gives us a special mercy we will say to ourselves, “What a miracle of grace.” It will increase our love for God and for the Gospel He caused to be preached to us. -- Milton Howard
Giving Unto The Lord
"I will not offer unto the Lord my God that which costs me nothing!" II Sam. 24:24
Why not have a rummage sale, candy sale, or a supper to raise money for the missionaries or the church? Why not a bond sale with high percentages returns? David gave us the answer when Araunah offered him the threshing floor, the oxen and the wood to sacrifice to the Lord — (II Sam. 24:24). "I will not offer unto the Lord my God that which costs me nothing!"
A gracious heart will not try to serve God with that which costs him nothing. If it is worth nothing to you it is worth less to God! Any gift, service, or effort for the glory of God that does not in some way involve the element of sacrifice or self-denial is of no spiritual value! Our examples in the scripture of true worship demand the first-fruits, the firstling of the flock and the choice lamb. God gave His Son — Abraham brought Isaac — the widow gave all she had! And we bring our used clothing, a collection of Coke bottles and our spare time! God doesn't want your spare anything!
1. A gift which costs me nothing reveals a lack of faith in God's power to provide!
2. A gift which costs me nothing reveals a lack of love for the object of that gift. True love considers no labor, cost or difficulty too great.
3. A gift which costs me nothing reveals a lack of regard for God's glory and majesty. The prophet in Malachi 1:8 says "Bring your stale bread and your sick sheep to your governor and see if he will accept it.”
4. A gift which costs me nothing will never be accepted by the Living God Who said: "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me!"
"My life, my love I give to Thee -- Thou Son of God Who died for me." -- Henry Mahan